Thursday, February 12, 2015

I believe that I did what I was set out to do, not saying that there were not any bumps in the road.  After writing my purpose statement draft I ended up changing it up a little which meant I had to pick different photos.  It was really frustrating and when I started my design plan draft I really started to see how my project was starting to fall together.  At first it was really difficult figuring out what photos I wanted to use and then in which order I would put the photos in.  Once I figured out what photos and in what order it was difficult to figure out where and how to place them to make sure I was showing ethos, pathos, and logos.  Along with my photos it was difficult to think of good captions that made my story flow throughout and not be choppy from one photo to the next.  Throughout my photo essay I tried to show how nursing isn’t just a job and how nurses really do help people other than giving them medicine and how they influenced me to pursue the profession of being a nurse.  I showed a picture of me in the hospital and I remember that day so vividly because of the nurses and how amazing they were.  If it were not for the nurses I would most likely think of my surgeries as traumatic events.  Overall I think I did a good job in trying to show how nurses have impacted my life and how I am going to become one.

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